Stratos – Integrated EDI

Hosted EDI

DataTrans Solutions provides companies of all sizes with a reliable and cost effective alternative to creating their own EDI infrastructure. DataTrans Hosted EDI provides a fully integrated and monitored EDI system at a fraction of the traditional EDI costs. Since there is no learning curve, your EDI implementation will be in production much quicker than the traditional EDI Software route of EDI implementation. Best of all, DataTrans Hosted EDI is integrated into your internal applications so that you realize all of the efficiency and cost savings of EDI, without the expense.

Traditionally, EDI implementations required the purchase of EDI Software, setup the integration with your internal application, train staff to map and monitor the EDI environment. Basically, traditional EDI becomes an expensive and time consuming EDI project. DataTrans Hosted EDI solution eliminates the expense, time, and personnel requirements of traditional EDI implementations.

Why DataTrans Hosted EDI

  • Low upfront costs
  • Quick EDI implementation
  • DataTrans provides a team of EDI experts to support your EDI implementation
  • Lower on-going expenses
  • No need to hire or train EDI personnel in your office.
  • Simple, straight-forward pricing. No hidden fees or surprises.
  • Reliable EDI infrastructure (our cloud based EDI system architecture is fully redundant and provides 100% uptime)

Since we have the infrastructure, tools, and resources within our company, we can leverage our capabilities to provide you with the EDI and E-commerce solutions you require at a much more affordable price. DataTrans has EDI mapping models pre-configured for many of the major corporations who conduct business via EDI today. This allows us to rapidly implement an EDI solution with these companies on your behalf.

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Some of our


    DataTrans Hosted EDI brings the benefits of cloud architecture to EDI

    Cloud-based computing provides significant benefits to organizations that would like to keep information technology cost and personnel down and need a scalable, reliable infrastructure. Rather than investing in the software, hardware and personnel necessary to create a reliable EDI infrastructure, you now have the ability to quickly establish a turn-key EDI infrastructure with a low upfront investment. DataTrans cloud-based Hosted EDI solution also gives you the reliability you require.

    Here are some of the key benefits of DataTrans Cloud-based Hosted EDI:

    • Reliability – Our infrastructure is on-line and available nearly 100% of the time because of the redundancy built into the architecture (redundant hardware, power and high-speed internet access). All data is replicated between databases real-time to insure no loss of information.
    • Secure – Security is paramount concern to DataTrans and we emphasizes appropriate security measures throughout the infrastructure and our organization.
    • Redundancy – Redundancy extends to a disaster recovery plan and infrastructure located in another geographic area of the country.
    • Scalability – Need more computing resources, DataTrans provides them as part of our service. This eliminates the need to plan and budget for additional hardware, software and personnel for changes in growth, special projects, or new implementations.
    • Trained Personnel – Training and maintaining qualified personnel is a major component of any EDI infrastructure. One must also consider the cost of backup personnel. All of that is addressed through DataTrans Hosted EDI solution.

    Replicating this type of reliable infrastructure in house would be cost prohibitive to most organizations. And there are many other factors that would have to dealt with in-house that are eliminated with the simple solution DataTrans provides. DataTrans cloud-based Hosted EDI -the most reliable and scalable EDI infrastructure available in the industry. Contact one of our representatives to learn more.